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WarBëhrs Limited Edition giclée prints are produced on high quality ARCHES® 88* stock for a premium and authentic finish. Signed, certified and with a unique ID reference our framed or unframed prints provide a quality alternative to owning an original WarBëhr artwork.

 All original artworks and prints can be framed at WarBëhr using exquisite Bellini Fine Moulding frames.  Hand-made in Italy, by the finest master craftsmen, using time-honoured skills and knowledge passed down through the generations, makes each frame a worthy addition to your chosen artwork and collection.

*ARCHES® 88. Made from 100% cotton, a luxury paper that provides an ultra-smooth surface finish. Produced in the Arches paper mill, France, ARCHES® 88 has a pure white tone and is completely free of any optical brighteners (OBAs), ensuring that giclée prints are produced with superb colour execution.

*Giclée fine art printing is the benchmark when it comes to producing gallery/museum-level quality prints. Pronounced gee-clay is the term that describes fine art printing using pigment based, archival quality inks, manufactured on advanced inkjet printers.

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